PXI- | Description |
PXI-1000 | National Instruments PXI 1000 8 Slot 3 U PXI Chassis Mainframe |
PXI-1000B | National Instruments PXI 1000B 8 Slot 3 U PXI Chassis |
PXI-1002 | National Instruments PXI 1002 4 Slot 3U PXI Chassis |
PXI-1006 | National Instruments PXI 1006 18 Slot PXI-cPCI Chassis |
PXI-1031 | National Instruments PXI 1031 PXI Chassis with Universal AC |
PXI-1031DC | National Instruments PXI 1031DC PXI Chassis with Universal AC |
PXI-1033 | National Instruments PXI 1033 5 Slot PXI Chassis with Integrated MXI Express Controller |
PXI-1042 | National Instruments PXI 1042 8 Slot 3U PXI Chassis |
PXI-1042Q | National Instruments PXI 1042Q Quiet 8 Slot 3U PXI Chassis |
PXI-1044 | National Instruments PXI 1044 14 Slot 3U PXI Chassis |
PXI-1045 | National Instruments PXI 1045 General Purpose 18 Slot Chassis for PXI |
PXI-1050 | National Instruments PXI 1050 8 Slot PXI Chassis With 4 Slots for SCXI |
PXI-1052 | National Instruments PXI 1052 4 Slot PXI Chassis With 8 Slots for SCXI |
PXI-1407 | National Instruments PXI 1407 |
PXI-1408 | National Instruments PXI 1408 |
PXI-1409 | National Instruments PXI 1409 |
PXI-1411 | National Instruments PXI 1411 |
PXI-1422 | National Instruments PXI 1422 |
PXI-2172 | National Instruments PXI 2172 HDMI Deserializer and Decryption Module |
PXI-2501 | National Instruments PXI 2501 Low Voltage Multiplexer-Matrix FET Switch |
PXI-2503 | National Instruments PXI 2503 Low Voltage Multiplexer-Matrix Relay Switch |
PXI-2527 | National Instruments PXI 2527 32 Channel (2 Wire), 300 V Multiplexer Switch |
PXI-2529 | National Instruments PXI 2529 128 Crosspoint Matrix Switch |
PXI-2530 | National Instruments PXI 2530 High Density Multiconfiguration Multiplexer-Matrix Module |
PXI-2530B | National Instruments PXI 2530B High Density Multiconfiguration Multiplexer - Matrix Module |
PXI-2532 | National Instruments PXI 2532 High Density Multiconfiguration Matrix Switch Module |
PXI-2533 | National Instruments PXI 2533 256 Crosspoint SSR Matrix Switch Module |
PXI-2534 | National Instruments PXI 2534 256 Crosspoint SSR Matrix Switch Module |
PXI-2536 | National Instruments PXI 2536 544 Crosspoint FET Matrix Switch Module |
PXI-2546 | National Instruments PXI 2546 2.7 GHz Dual 4 × 1 Multiplexers (Dual SP4T) |
PXI-2554 | National Instruments PXI 2554 2.5 GHz 75 Ohm Multiplexer |
PXI-2556 | National Instruments PXI 2556 2.5 GHz 75 Ohm Dual 4 x 1 Multiplexers (Dual SP4T) |
PXI-2557 | National Instruments PXI 2557 Multiplexer Switch Module |
PXI-2558 | National Instruments PXI 2558 |
PXI-2564 | National Instruments PXI 2564 16 Channel SPST Relay Module |
PXI-2565 | National Instruments PXI 2565 16 Channel High Power General Purpose Relay |
PXI-2566 | National Instruments PXI 2566 16 Channel SPDT Relay Module |
PXI-2567 | National Instruments PXI 2567 64 Channel External Relay Driver |
PXI-2568 | National Instruments PXI 2568 Medium Power General Purpose SPST Relay Module |
PXI-2569 | National Instruments PXI 2569 100 Channel SPST Relay Module |
PXI-2570 | National Instruments PXI 2570 High Density General Purpose SPDT Relay |
PXI-2575 | National Instruments PXI 2575 196 Channel Multiplexer Switch Module |
PXI-2576 | National Instruments PXI 2576 Multi Bank Multiplexer |
PXI-2585 | National Instruments PXI 2585 10 Channel Multiplexer |
PXI-2586 | National Instruments PXI 2586 10 Channel, 12 A SPST (Form A) Relays-Multiplexer |
PXI-2590 | National Instruments PXI 2590 4x1 High Frequency Unterminated Multiplexing Switch |
PXI-2591 | National Instruments PXI 2591 |
PXI-2593 | National Instruments PXI 2593 500 MHz Multiplexer-Matrix |
PXI-2594 | National Instruments PXI 2594 2.5 GHz 4×1 50 Ohm Multiplexer |
PXI-2595 | National Instruments PXI 2595 5 GHz 4×1 50 Ohm Multiplexer |
PXI-2596 | National Instruments PXI 2596 26.5 GHz Dual 6x1 Unterminated Multiplexer |
PXI-2599 | National Instruments PXI 2599 26.5 GHz Dual SPDT Relay Switch Module |
PXI-2799 | National Instruments PXI 2799 |
PXI-2800 | National Instruments PXI 2800 |
PXI-4022 | National Instruments PXI 4022 |
PXI-4060 | National Instruments PXI 4060 5.5 Digit Multimeter (NI 4060) |
PXI-4065 | National Instruments PXI 4065 6.5 Digit Multimeter |
PXI-4070 | National Instruments PXI 4070 6.5 Digit Multimeter |
PXI-4071 | National Instruments PXI 4071 7.5 Digit Multimeter |
PXI-4072 | National Instruments PXI 4072 6.5 Digit Digital Multimeter |
PXI-4110 | National Instruments PXI 4110 Triple Output Programmable DC Power Supply |
PXI-4130 | National Instruments PXI 4130 Programmable, High Power Source Measure Unit (SMU) |
PXI-4132 | National Instruments PXI 4132 Programmable, High Power Source Measure Unit (SMU) |
PXI-4204 | National Instruments PXI 4204 8 Channel Isolated Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-4220 | National Instruments PXI 4220 Strain, Pressure, Force, Load Sensor Input Module |
PXI-4351 | National Instruments PXI 4351 High Precision Temperature and Voltage Meter |
PXI-4461 | National Instruments PXI 4461 2 Input - 2 Output Dynamic Signal Analyzer |
PXI-4462 | National Instruments PXI 4462 4 Input Dynamic Signal Analyzer |
PXI-4465 | National Instruments PXI 4465 |
PXI-4472 | National Instruments PXI 4472 8 Channel 24 Bit Vibration Optimized Dynamic Signal Acquisition Module |
PXI-4472B | National Instruments PXI 4472B 8 Channel 24 Bit Vibration Optimized Dynamic Signal Acquisition Module |
PXI-5102 | National Instruments PXI 5102 15 MHz, 20 MS-s 8 Bit Digitizer |
PXI-5105 | National Instruments PXI 5105 12 Bit 8 Channel Digitizers |
PXI-5112 | National Instruments PXI 5112 100 MHz, 100 MS-s 8 Bit Digitizer (8M Per Channel) |
PXI-5114 | National Instruments PXI 5114 250 MS-s, 8 Bit Oscilloscope-Digitizer |
PXI-5122 | National Instruments PXI 5122 100 MHz, 100 MS-s 14 Bit Digitizer |
PXI-5124 | National Instruments PXI 5124 150 MHz 200 MS-s 12 Bit High Resolution Digitizer |
PXI-5142 | National Instruments PXI 5142 14 Bit 100 MS-s High Speed Digitizer |
PXI-5153 | National Instruments PXI 5153 500 MHz, 2 GS-s, 8 Bit PXI Oscilloscope |
PXI-5401 | National Instruments PXI 5401 16 MHz Function Generator for PXI |
PXI-5402 | National Instruments PXI 5402 14 Bit 20 MHz Arbitrary Function Generator |
PXI-5404 | National Instruments PXI 5404 100 MHz Frequency Generator |
PXI-5411 | National Instruments PXI 5411 High Speed Arbitrary Waveform Generator |
PXI-5412 | National Instruments PXI 5412 PXI Arbitrary Waveform Generator |
PXI-5421 | National Instruments PXI 5421 100 MS-s, 16 Bit Arbitrary Waveform Generator |
PXI-5431 | National Instruments PXI 5431 Video Waveform Generator Module |
PXI-5441 | National Instruments PXI 5441 Arbitrary Waveform Generator |
PXI-5600 | National Instruments PXI 5600 2.7 GHz RF Downconverter |
PXI-5610 | National Instruments PXI 5610 2.7 GHz Upconverter |
PXI-5620 | National Instruments PXI 5620 64 MS-s, 14 Bit Frequency Domain Digitizer |
PXI-5621 | National Instruments PXI 5621 High Speed Digitizer |
PXI-5650 | National Instruments PXI 5650 1.3 GHz PXI RF Analog Signal Generator |
PXI-5651 | National Instruments PXI 5651 RF Analog Signal Generator |
PXI-5652 | National Instruments PXI 5652 RF Analog Signal Generator |
PXI-5660 | National Instruments PXI 5660 RF Vector Signal Analyzer |
PXI-5671 | National Instruments PXI 5671 PXI RF Vector Signal Generator |
PXI-5691 | National Instruments PXI 5691 |
PXI-5695 | National Instruments PXI 5695 |
PXI-5922 | National Instruments PXI 5922 24 Bit Flexible Resolution Digitizer (32 MB-Channel) |
PXI-6025E | National Instruments PXI 6025E 200 kS-s, 12 Bit, 16 Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6030E | National Instruments PXI 6030E 100 kS-s, 16 Bit, 16 Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6031E | National Instruments PXI 6031E 100 kS-s 16 Bit 64 Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6040E | National Instruments PXI 6040E 500 kS-s, 12 Bit, 16 Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6052E | National Instruments PXI 6052E 16 Channel Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6070E | National Instruments PXI 6070E |
PXI-6071E | National Instruments PXI 6071E 1.25 MS-s, 12 Bit, 64 Analog Input Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6115 | National Instruments PXI 6115 PXI Multifunction I-O Module |
PXI-6120 | National Instruments PXI 6120 Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6122 | National Instruments PXI 6122 16 Bit, 500 kS-s-ch, S Series Simultaneous Sampling Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6133 | National Instruments PXI 6133 S Series Simultaneous Sampling Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6143 | National Instruments PXI 6143 Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6220 | National Instruments PXI 6220 16 Bit Multifunction DAQ |
PXI-6221 | National Instruments PXI 6221 M Series Multifunction Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-6225 | National Instruments PXI 6225 Multifunction M Series Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-6229 | National Instruments PXI 6229 Multifunction Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-6230 | National Instruments PXI 6230 M Series Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-6232 | National Instruments PXI 6232 M Series Data Acquisition Module |
PXI-6250 | National Instruments PXI 6250 |
PXI-6251 | National Instruments PXI 6251 16 Bit Multifunction DAQ Module |
PXI-6254 | National Instruments PXI 6254 |
PXI-6255 | National Instruments PXI 6255 16 Bit Multifunction DAQ Module |
PXI-6259 | National Instruments PXI 6259 16 Bit Multifunction DAQ Module |
PXI-6281 | National Instruments PXI 6281 M Series PXI Multifunction I-O Module |
PXI-6284 | National Instruments PXI 6284 M Series Multifunction DAQ Module |
PXI-6508 | National Instruments PXI 6508 96 Line Digital Input-Output PXI Card |
PXI-6509 | National Instruments PXI 6509 96 Channel Digital I-O Interface Module |
PXI-6511 | National Instruments PXI 6511 PXI Digital I-O Module |
PXI-6512 | National Instruments PXI 6512 Low Cost Industrial Digital I-O Module |
PXI-6513 | National Instruments PXI 6513 Industrial Digital I-O Module |
PXI-6514 | National Instruments PXI 6514 Bank Isolated Industrial Digital I-O |
PXI-6515 | National Instruments PXI 6515 PXI Digital I-O Module |
PXI-6521 | National Instruments PXI 6521 Industrial Digital I-O Device |
PXI-6527 | National Instruments PXI 6527 48 Bit Isolated Digital I-O |
PXI-6528 | National Instruments PXI 6528 Digital Input - Output Module |
PXI-6529 | National Instruments PXI 6529 Digital Input - Output Module |
PXI-6533 | National Instruments PXI 6533 32 Bit Digital I-O Interface |
PXI-6534 | National Instruments PXI 6534 32 Bit Digital I-O Interface |
PXI-6542 | National Instruments PXI 6542 Digital Waveform Generator - Analyzer |
PXI-6551 | National Instruments PXI 6551 50 MHz Digital Waveform Generator |
PXI-6552 | National Instruments PXI 6552 100 MHz Digital Waveform Generator |
PXI-6602 | National Instruments PXI 6602 Timing and Digital I-O Module |
PXI-6608 | National Instruments PXI 6608 High Precision Counter - Timer with Digital I-O |
PXI-6624 | National Instruments PXI 6624 PXI Counter-Timer Module |
PXI-6704 | National Instruments PXI 6704 Analog Output Module |
PXI-6711 | National Instruments PXI 6711 4 Channel 12 bit High Speed Analog Output Module |
PXI-6713 | National Instruments PXI 6713 High Speed Analog Output Module |
PXI-6722 | National Instruments PXI 6722 PXI Analog Output Module |
PXI-6723 | National Instruments PXI 6723 PXI Analog Output Module |
PXI-6733 | National Instruments PXI 6733 High Speed Analog Output 1 MS-s, 16 Bit, 8 Channels Module |
PXI-7330 | National Instruments PXI 7330 |
PXI-7340 | National Instruments PXI 7340 |
PXI-7350 | National Instruments PXI 7350 |
PXI-7352 | National Instruments PXI 7352 2 Axis High Performance Stepper-Servo Motion Controller |
PXI-7356 | National Instruments PXI 7356 6 Axis High Performance Stepper-Servo Motion Controller |
PXI-7811 | National Instruments PXI 7811 778800 01 PXI Digital Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7811R | National Instruments PXI 7811R |
PXI-7813 | National Instruments PXI 7813 779362 01 PXI Digital Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7813R | National Instruments PXI 7813R |
PXI-7831R | National Instruments PXI 7831R Multifunction Intelligent DAQ Module |
PXI-7833R | National Instruments PXI 7833R R Series Multifunction RIO with Virtex II 3M Gate FPGA |
PXI-7841 | National Instruments PXI 7841 780337 01 PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7841R | National Instruments PXI 7841R |
PXI-7842 | National Instruments PXI 7842 780338 01 PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7842R | National Instruments PXI 7842R |
PXI-7852 | National Instruments PXI 7852 780340 01 PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7852R | National Instruments PXI 7852R |
PXI-7854 | National Instruments PXI 7854 780342 01 PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I-O Module |
PXI-7854R | National Instruments PXI 7854R |
PXI-7952 | National Instruments PXI 7952 FlexFIO with Virtex 5 LX50 FPGA |
PXI-7953 | National Instruments PXI 7953 PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO |
PXI-7953R | National Instruments PXI 7953R |
PXI-8101 | National Instruments PXI 8101 High Value PXI Embedded Controller for Windows |
PXI-8105 | National Instruments PXI 8105 Dual Core Embedded Controller for PXI |
PXI-8106 | National Instruments PXI 8106 2.16 GHz Dual Core PXI Embedded Controller |
PXI-8108 | National Instruments PXI 8108 2.53 GHz Dual Core Embedded Controller |
PXI-8155 | National Instruments PXI 8155 PXI - cPCI Embedded Computer |
PXI-8155B | National Instruments PXI 8155B PXI - cPCI Embedded Computer |
PXI-8156 | National Instruments PXI 8156 PXI - cPCI Embedded Controller |
PXI-8156B | National Instruments PXI 8156B PXI-cPCI Embedded Controller |
PXI-8170 | National Instruments PXI 8170 3U PXI - CompactPCI Controller |
PXI-8175 | National Instruments PXI 8175 PXI-cPCI Computer |
PXI-8176 | National Instruments PXI 8176 PXI-cPCI Controller |
PXI-8184 | National Instruments PXI 8184 850 MHz Celeron Based Embedded Controller |
PXI-8186 | National Instruments PXI 8186 2.2 GHz Pentium 4 Embedded Controller |
PXI-8187 | National Instruments PXI 8187 2.5 GHz Pentium 4 Embedded Controller |
PXI-8195 | National Instruments PXI 8195 1.5 GHz Pentium M 760 Embedded Controller for PXI |
PXI-8196 | National Instruments PXI 8196 2.0 GHz Pentium M 760 Embedded Controller for PXI |
PXI-8220 | National Instruments PXI 8220 2 Slot PC Card Carrier |
PXI-8231 | National Instruments PXI 8231 Gigabit Ethernet Interface |
PXI-8232 | National Instruments PXI 8232 Gigabit Ethernet Interface |
PXI-8252 | National Instruments PXI 8252 IEEE 1394 Firewire Interface Module |
PXI-8310 | National Instruments PXI 8310 STARFABRIC Serial Interface Module |
PXI-8330 | National Instruments PXI 8330 MXI 3 Interface Module |
PXI-8331 | National Instruments PXI 8331 MXI 4 Interface Module |
PXI-8335 | National Instruments PXI 8335 MXI 3 Interface Module |
PXI-8360 | National Instruments PXI 8360 x1 MXI Express PXI Remote Control Module |
PXI-8420-2 | National Instruments PXI 8420-2 RS232 2 Port Interface Card |
PXI-8420-8 | National Instruments PXI 8420-8 RS232 8 Port Interface Card |
PXI-8421-8 | National Instruments PXI 8421-8 RS485 8 Port SCSI 68 pin Interface Card |
PXI-8430-16 | National Instruments PXI 8430 16 779948 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8430-2 | National Instruments PXI 8430 2 778982 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8430-4 | National Instruments PXI 8430-4 High Performance, 4 Port Serial Interface |
PXI-8430-8 | National Instruments PXI 8430 8 779536 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8431-2 | National Instruments PXI 8431 2 778984 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8431-4 | National Instruments PXI 8431-4 RS 485-RS 422 4 Channel Serial Interface |
PXI-8431-8 | National Instruments PXI 8431-8 RS 485-RS 422 8 Channel Serial Interface |
PXI-8432-2 | National Instruments PXI 8432 2 779743 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8432-4 | National Instruments PXI 8432 4 779538 01 pxi serial interface module |
PXI-8513 | National Instruments PXI 8513 PXI CAN Interface Module |
PXI-GPIB | National Instruments PXI GPIB High Performance GPIB Controller |
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